Acaba con la pesadilla del spam y disfruta nuevamente de tu correo electr贸nico gracias a SpamBully, manteniendo tu bandeja de entrada limpia de cualquier atisbo de publicidad no deseada. SpamBully posee un filtro inteligente que analiza el correo de forma eficaz, y con una precisi贸n tal que en muchas ocasiones supera al filtrado manual, y l贸gicamente con el ahorro de tiempo que ello supone.
Spam Bully tightly integrates with Outlook and moves all spam messages into a new folder (Spam) from where they can be permanently deleted. This enables you to keep an eye on what is being filtered and to make sure that no good messages got caught by the filter. The program can also bounce messages from known spammers, query emails sent from unfamiliar emailers (require confirmation), block selected attachments types and more. In addition, it produces a nice graph view that you can use to view your daily, weekly or yearly spam statistics. An excellent choice for Outlook users, and from what we have tested so far, it is definitely the most sophisticated one.
Esta es la versi贸n de SpamBully para OutLook. Existe tambi茅n otra versi贸n espec铆fica del programa SpamBully para OutLook Express.
Nota: no ofrecer谩 bajo ning煤n concepto claves, serials, cracks, keygens o similares de SpamBully para OutLook como se recoge en la normativa de propiedad intelectual.